Thursday Thoughts

  • Bounded or Center Set Thinking

    Bounded or Center Set Thinking

    The election this year has been a struggle for me.  I believe there are no clear choices. I understand that may startle some of you, but please keep reading. In life, sometimes choices are clear, while at other times, certain things are weighted more heavily than others.  Like a wise friend told me (thanks, Ben)…

  • Dealing with the imperfect church – Part 2

    Dealing with the imperfect church – Part 2

    Considering the private feedback I received from last week’s blog, I would like to continue to process how we deal with those who have been hurt in a church, whether pastor, staff, or congregant.  Collateral damage from the local church is all around us. We must address the relational dynamics of churches if they are…

  • Dealing with the imperfect church

    Dealing with the imperfect church

    One of our new neighbors is processing their pain affiliated with a local church.  They said they are burnt out on church.  They were on staff of a fast-growing church and saw unhealthy behavior behind the scenes. This kind of behavior can result from leadership not rooted in Biblical principles, or it may also result…

  • Dealing with your own death

    Dealing with your own death

    As a culture, we go to great lengths to deny death. My mom died at 68 of cancer. I had the privilege of spending precious time with her during her final years.  She lived a good life and died a great death. Her journey to her earthly death prompted me to prepare for my own…

  • The death of my father

    The death of my father

    Shortly after 11:00 pm one evening last week, my sister called me to let us know that my dad had physically died. Hospice had relocated him back to his Assisted Living Facility from the hospital that afternoon because he wanted to go home. Once he was there for a few hours, he went to his…

  • The Curse of email

    The Curse of email

    Over the last six months my life gradually became more and more disorganized. This is primarily due to my work routines or habits being eliminated in our recent move and my changing home office environment.  Over the last number of years, I have been able to keep my inbox to less than 20 emails.  However,…

  • Why is it so painful?

    Why is it so painful?

    Why is it painful to get in shape physically?  During our recent transition, I did little to stay in shape except walk a lot. There really aren’t major challenges to my getting back in shape, other than I don’t enjoy it. It isn’t like I hate it, I just don’t like it, especially since I…

  • Entropy, Sin, and Satan

    Entropy, Sin, and Satan

    Recently, we returned from a trip, and I gained a lot of weight.  As I have written in the past, I can gain 5 pounds in a week and it will take me a month to lose it! This has happened most of my adult life. However, I find that fact intriguing, I suspect the…

  • The practices of a mentor

    The practices of a mentor

    Last week, I wrote on the value of a mentor and a reader thoughtfully asked me some probing questions about the practices of a mentor. As I processed her questions, I realized that I hadn’t talked much about the logistics of a mentoring relationship.  I am sure there are many good books on mentoring, I…

Got any book recommendations?