Thursday Thoughts

  • I’d rather burn out than rust out

    I’d rather burn out than rust out

    I recently assessed a staff pastor from one of the larger churches in our nation.  He was being considered for another position and was very careful not to criticize the church he was leaving.  But he clearly had been working in a stressful environment with a high production mindset. He didn’t know that over the…

  • Why change is so difficult

    Why change is so difficult

    For the last few blogs I have written about transformation, The more assessment debriefs I do, the more I believe Psalm 139 correctly describes us as “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  We are so complex that one assessment instrument barely scratches the surface of explaining who God created us to be.  The instruments we use (TrueWiring®)…

  • Transformation requires what we don’t have

    Transformation requires what we don’t have

    In my previous blog, I discussed how many helping professionals give their lives to serving people for change, only to see few individuals transformed. Too often, change is temporary and superficial.  I want to continue with this theme.  Why do most of us want to change something in our lives but seem unable to actually…

  • Meeting the needs of others

    Meeting the needs of others

    Mary Kay and I have some dear friends who have spent the last 25 years investing in people.  I know of few people who have given more time, energy and financial resources to helping people (most often Christians) overcome obstacles, traumas and misfortune in their lives.  We met several weeks ago, and they discouragingly asked…

  • History repeating itself

    History repeating itself

    The recent attempted assassination of the Presidential candidate Donald Trump stirred up a variety of emotions and memories in me. My mind went back to memories and emotions from 60 years ago.  I was 9 to 16 years old from 1963 to 1970.  During these seven years, first JFK, then Malcolm X, next was MLK,…

  • Binary Thinking

    Binary Thinking

    On our vacation last month, my daughter-in-law asked me what good books I was reading. I sheepishly said I haven’t been reading much lately (as I wrote about this last week—Too Busy to Think).  I realized, again, my deep thinking is born out of my reading which challenges me to think differently.  The reading surely…

  • Too busy to think

    Too busy to think

    We became official citizens of South Carolina now that we have our voter registration, driver’s license and license plates! Much of my life these past three months has been focused on taking care of the important and urgent details right in front of me. However, in the last few days, I have noticed my thinking…

  • When do I get to stop maturing?

    When do I get to stop maturing?

    It may not surprise you that during the last two or three months Mary Kay and I experienced a lot of stress, and therefore we have had to work on our communication as well as our consideration of each other.  Any season of stress can strain a relationship, especially in the weaker areas of that…

  • Foreigners, wanderers, pioneers, and homesteaders

    Foreigners, wanderers, pioneers, and homesteaders

    We have been in our new home for a month. As I reflected on the process of selling our home and moving away from family and friends in Orlando to South Carolina, I realized we went through five distinct outlooks regarding the world around us.  We were settlers in Orlando.  We had lived there for…

Got any book recommendations?