Category: Thursday Thoughts

  • Learning to fight like Jesus

    Learning to fight like Jesus

    Mary Kay and I are reading through the gospel of John for our small group soul training. The intent is to read it through an easy translation (The Message) to gain an overall sense of Jesus’ ministry from this Gospel. We aren’t through, but one thing that I realized so far is how Jesus seldom handled conflict…

  • What If I Cannot Sing?

    What If I Cannot Sing?

    Let me first say I love listening and worshiping to music. I am moved to tears at times through worship songs. Recently several songs by Cody Carnes, Run to the Father and Christ be Magnified have significantly drawn me into our Lord’s presence. I often listen to songs like this over and over. At times I listen to…

  • What is the Difference Between Wisdom and Truth?

    What is the Difference Between Wisdom and Truth?

    Have you ever thought about the difference between wisdom and truth? Wisdom is surely built on the foundation of truth, but I have shared a lot of truth that wasn’t wise. So what is the difference between truth and wisdom? Philosophers have struggled for millennia defining truth. When Jesus responded to Pilate, “You are right in saying I…

  • They Didn’t Start Where They Ended – Part 2

    They Didn’t Start Where They Ended – Part 2

    Last week I discussed why we are seeing such an alarming rate of pastors and church leaders morally flaming out, burning out, and/or simply dropping out. I said there were two reasons, 1) “hero worship” in our culture and in the church and 2) pastors believing this false narrative.  Last week we dealt with the culture…

  • They Didn’t Start Where They Ended – Part 1

    They Didn’t Start Where They Ended – Part 1

    We all change. We have also witnessed many leaders fall from positions of influence or impact over the past three decades. As I have known or studied great leaders who later plummeted from prominence, it became clear that they changed over a long trajectory of leadership. It seems the problem has become more endemic these past three decades…

  • Does Wisdom Come With Age?

    Does Wisdom Come With Age?

    As I look at my life, I can tell my pace is slowing, but my production seems to be increasing.  How is this possible? I think it is because as my pace has slowed, I have given more time to think more deeply, which has led to more impact. Wisdom is knowledge applied. There is a…

  • Living in Eternity

    Living in Eternity

    Recently while on a flight, I watched the movie ​Puss in Boots: The Last Wish​. It wasn’t a kid’s movie considering the theme, language, and depictions. The movie focuses on death and how many of us try to resolve the tension of facing our own death by denying it or living in fear of it.…

  • Being Honest with Leaders

    Being Honest with Leaders

    I was recently asked by some close friends if their observations about their pastor were appropriate. We talked for a while and then hung up. But I was awakened in the night with the following thoughts. Here is what I wrote them: From spending almost half of my adult years as a pastor and the other half…

  • Six Stages of Faith Described

    Six Stages of Faith Described

    For those who are new to the concept of faith in God, it can be challenging to understand the different meanings of the word, faith, or the many ways in which faith is used in the New Testament. There are three primary ways that faith is used: salvation faith, a body of doctrine or system…