Category: Thursday Thoughts

  • Will you be my friend? (Part 1)

    Will you be my friend? (Part 1)

    This last week, Mary Kay and I got to spend some time with a mentor and friend of mine, John and Judy Boedeker. As we reflected on our lives and ministry together, I realized how many friends I have been privileged to have in my life. As I thought about my friends, it became obvious they…

  • Living NOT on purpose

    Living NOT on purpose

    I am not a detailed planner by nature, as most of you have figured out by now. One of the frustrations for Mary Kay is that I just figure out what I need to do “in the moment.” This is because she is a detailed planner and desires to have contingencies thought through long before…

  • Those who don’t care about Jesus

    Those who don’t care about Jesus

    I recently read a book entitled I once was lost by two IVP guys: Don Everts and Doug Schuapp. I was challenged to think about how to reach people with the Good News around me who have been exposed to all that has happened in the last twenty to forty years. Their work primarily centered on…

  • Loving Differences

    Loving Differences

    After what seems to be a lifetime of studying people, I am only now beginning to appreciate how different we all are. I used to hear people say, “Aren’t you glad the whole world isn’t like you?”, and deep in my mind, I would think, “That wouldn’t be too bad!” Okay, maybe I was a little arrogant,…

  • Leaning into Freedom in Christ

    Leaning into Freedom in Christ

    For the last two weeks, I have been thinking about how to grow closer to God in my walk with him. I have thought about learning to change behaviors or habits which impeded my walk with Christ. Then I wrote how easy it is to think we are more spiritual because we do or don’t do certain…

  • For freedom you were set free

    For freedom you were set free

    Last week I thought about how I’ve tried to establish healthy changes in my life. Obviously, I succeed and fail because it is not a mechanical process. In fact, I have noticed that when I make lifestyle changes, there is a little danger lurking behind these healthy changes.  Because I believe these habits will make…

  • Have you ever tried to lose weight?

    Have you ever tried to lose weight?

    Have you ever tried to lose weight, change a habit, think differently, start exercising, or any other mental or physical habit? I have with a lot of successes and failures. I have struggled to keep my weight within a reasonable range since I was 18. During the first three months of my freshman year of…

  • What is Good News?

    What is Good News?

    I am experiencing a growing discomfort as I hear the Good News presented today. Before you label me a heretic in what you read below, please read John 1.1-17, 3 & 15, Romans 8, 2 Corinthians 3, Galatians 2 & 5, Ephesians 2 & 3, and Colossians 2 & 3. As you read these passages, ask…

  • The Easy Way

    The Easy Way

    Recently I talked with a pastor about potential life-changing decisions, and she said that one option would be very difficult, so she seemed to pass by this one and discuss the easier options. I interrupted and said, just because it won’t be easy doesn’t make it wrong. I suggested that possibly the most difficult option…