Category: Thursday Thoughts

  • My Intrigue with AI

    My Intrigue with AI

    Spoiler alert…I didn’t write last week’s Thursday Thought…an AI bot did. The entire blog last week was written by an AI chatbot. Very few of you noticed! I first gave the AI bot a sample of my blog to review (the one on Polarizing Positions—four weeks ago). The bot then generated an analysis of my voice from…

  • The Dangers of Social Media

    The Dangers of Social Media

    The Dangers of Social Media: How It Fuels a Comparison Mentality Last week I briefly mentioned social media being either a resume or a journal.  Let me share some deeper perspectives. In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. While it has its benefits, social media also has…

  • Is your social media a resume or a journal?

    Is your social media a resume or a journal?

    You may ask yourself, what is the difference? A resume is written to accentuate your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. It is intended to make you look like you can handle anything a prospective role could throw at you. Whereas a journal is the deepest longings of your heart, mind, and soul. My journal is full of things…

  • Mentors, Friends, and Luminaries

    Mentors, Friends, and Luminaries

    What kind of influencer are you? There is a great deal of talk today about being an influencer. Social Media has provided a financial forum for some individuals to capitalize on their ability to influence others. They may make a lot of money but let me suggest that their lifetime impact on the lives of others will…

  • Make Peace with Reality and Move On

    Make Peace with Reality and Move On

    “Make Peace with Reality and Move On”… is some of the best advice I received from my mentor Chuck Singletary 35 years ago. As I reflect on my life, I have learned to process things in my journal and then come to be at peace with it and move on. I think my journaling sometimes…

  • Polarizing Positions

    Polarizing Positions

    I was copied on an email recently that was sent to a leader of an influential Christian organization. The author of the email (let’s call him Larry, not his real name) railed against the leader and the organization for not keeping the culture Biblical and centered in Christ. Larry went on to highlight similar issues…

  • Preparing for the Rest of Your Life

    Preparing for the Rest of Your Life

    I recently worked very hard on a project for a week and then completed it. I put my best effort into the design and definitions of this assessment instrument. And when I sent it off to our partners, I had a distinct sense of accomplishment. I felt good and fulfilled as I pushed that send button. This…

  • What is Education?

    What is Education?

    I had an interesting dream a few weeks ago. I dreamt that I went to high school. The odd thing was that while I was in the physical body of a high schooler, I had my current mind of a 68-year-old. It was odd as I was attending the school for the first time as…

  • What is Holiness?

    What is Holiness?

    It is interesting reading about the individuals that are highlighted in Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians*. I am challenged by their commitment, passion, and submission to Christ; while at the same time bothered by some of their apparent lack of emotional health. Do they have to go together? There are cultural and/or centuries of time differences…