Thursday Thoughts
Learning about myself
I have found some of the most helpful books for me as a leader focused on my issues! You may think that is obvious, but it wasn’t always so. I used to think if something didn’t work out, it was because of the events around me, my team, or the timing, but seldom did I consider…
How much agency do you have? (not rated for kids)
Recently I had a dream that took me back to high school. After I awoke, two vivid memories from our senior year preseason football camp rushed back into my consciousness. Both were highlights of my senior year, for different reasons. We would stay several nights at the HS gym and have all day practices and…
How to live with impact and gratitude
Last week, we saw how living with God’s wisdom and understanding allows us to develop character traits of endurance and patience, which leads to impactful lives lived with gratitude. Most of us would love to leave a legacy of these two enduring attributes: impactful and thankful. But the concrete question then becomes, how do we develop…
How can we understand God’s Desires?
I ask for God’s wisdom all the time. This is often because I find myself in situations where I lack the cognitive capacity and/or experience to fully comprehend how to respond to a given situation. Let’s face it, if there really is an omniscient, omnipresent, all-powerful, and all-loving God who is actively engaged in our…
Why are there so many different churches?
Forty years ago, I specifically remember telling a friend that I was thinking of starting a new church, and he responded, “Why in the world would you need to start a church? There are plenty of churches around, and most of them are only half full. Just tell everyone to go to the church closest…
How do we grow?
How do you express your emotions? How do you express your thoughts? I would think that throughout history, there have been an infinite number of different ways that people expressed their deep passions, desires, drives, feelings, urges, moods, longings, compulsions, cravings, yearnings, and aspirations. I have been recently challenged to consider how individuals grow and…
Who is selling what?
When I was young, I prided myself on my ability to influence people to come to agree with my perspective. My original DISC profile I took when I was 31 years old labeled me as a “Persuader.” I felt that so accurately described my style of leadership. I had been able to convince people to…
Two things I am learning
I am amazed at how much I am learning about being an emotionally healthy person at this stage in my life. Many people feel they have arrived by the time they get to my age, but it seems that the older I get, the more I need to learn, or maybe it is that I am…
Decisions in the light or dark
“Never doubt decisions in the dark that were made in the light” is a phrase my kids heard from me while they grew up. I really thought I made it up until shortly before they left for college, they googled it and found out that an acquaintance of mine was credited with originating that phrase.…
Got any book recommendations?