Category: Assessments

  • Instruments Developed (or currently developing):

    Instruments Developed (or currently developing):

    TrueWiring suite of instruments (DISC, Motivators, EQ & Conflict Profile) Spiritual Gifts Inventory Church LifeCycle–Five Stages of development and decline 360 Discipleship Assessment for ECO-Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians Flourishing Church Assessment for ECO-Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians Mission Gap Assessment Lite for World Vision & Healthy Growing Leaders Mission Gap Assessment (MGA) for World Vision &…

  • Books Written

    Books Written

    Becoming a Level 5 Disciple Maker Dying to Restart Spiritual Gifts Field Guide TrueWiring The Art of Assessing People

  • Seeing and believing by Seth Godin

    This post by Seth Godin expresses my view of life and learning.  Mary Kay and I simply don’t watch TV and limit our time “Surfing” the internet.  There isn’t enough time to do all we want to do and to read all we want to read and to learn all we want to learn.  We…