Author: Dave Phillips
How to live with impact and gratitude
Last week, we saw how living with God’s wisdom and understanding allows us to develop character traits of endurance and patience, which leads to impactful lives lived with gratitude. Most of us would love to leave a legacy of these two enduring attributes: impactful and thankful. But the concrete question then becomes, how do we develop…
Instruments Developed (or currently developing):
TrueWiring suite of instruments (DISC, Motivators, EQ & Conflict Profile) Spiritual Gifts Inventory Church LifeCycle–Five Stages of development and decline 360 Discipleship Assessment for ECO-Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians Flourishing Church Assessment for ECO-Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians Mission Gap Assessment Lite for World Vision & Healthy Growing Leaders Mission Gap Assessment (MGA) for World Vision &…